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Quarry Bank Primary School

Be kind. Work hard. Better yourself.


We have a ‘can-do’ approach and believe that every pupil is capable of success.  We  want all children to be confident mathematicians who are fluent in calculating and recalling number facts, reasoning and solving problems. This includes confidence in the classroom, but also more widely in daily life. 


Maths is currently led by Mrs Hale.


Please see the Maths Strategy document below for further detail.

To support this, we established some core principles about the delivery of Maths at Quarry Bank Primary School.

Our teaching is highly practical and interactive to help inspire a love of Mathematics from the earliest age. In Early Years, KS1 and Years 3 and 4 pupils take part in a focussed Number Sense mathematics session each day in addition to a daily maths lesson using our tailored scheme of work.


 In Early Years we follow a systematic approach to our maths work which provides a coherent teaching sequence to develop a deep understanding of numbers to 10. These sessions focus on developing the understanding of the key maths concepts of subitising and recognition of quantities using a range of visuospatial  and practical equipment such as tens frames, bead strings and Numicon. Teachers encourage pupils to discuss ideas, ask questions, investigate and represent problems in their own way.


In KS1, pupils build on their innate ability to process quantities visually with images that expose mathematical structures. At the core of our work are essential addition and subtraction facts. These core facts are taught alongside 12 calculation strategies which gives children a deep understanding of number and number relationships. Explicit teaching of derived fact strategies is an effective route to fluency in addition and subtraction facts for all children, including lower attainers.


In Years 3 and 4, pupils develop their understanding, application and recall of 36 core multiplication facts. Fluency in these facts provides the foundation for all written and mental multiplication and division. New facts are introduced and taught visually through the conceptual lessons, and aurally through the chanting of verbal sound patterns. Facts are learned to fluency through daily practice sessions.


Pupils are encouraged to make rich connections between different areas of maths and to use their mathematical skills in other subjects such as Science and Geography.


Our curriculum focused on deep learning:


We aim for all pupils to develop a deep understanding of key mathematical ideas.


There is a strong emphasis on the ‘why’ and not just the ‘how’. We don’t just learn procedures- we unpick the maths and aim to develop a ‘reasoning classroom’ where problem solving and reasoning form a vital part of each lesson. Children quickly come to expect that they need to explain and justify their mathematical thinking and they soon start to do so automatically – and enthusiastically! We also want children to ask as many questions as the teachers and encourage investigation and discussion.


“Automaticity is about knowing the basics so well you don’t have to think them through afresh each time.”