Early Years
At Quarry Bank Primary School Nursery and Reception we provide children with a wide range of opportunities. They will learn through structured and child initiated learning. We provide well-planned play, both indoors and outdoors, encouraging learning through enjoyment and challenge. We encourage children to become independent learners. The emphasis in Nursery and Reception is on making learning through play, fun and rewarding for your child.
If your child is new to Nursery or Reception, please view this information presented to parents and families at the end of the academic year to support your child's transition.
We hope to provide a fantastic learning experience to our youngest children by sticking to the core principles below:
EYFS at Quarry Bank
For more detailed information about our provision in Early Years. Please view the document below, produced by our Early Years Leader, Amanda Porter (currently temporarily being led by Miriam Timmins).
Our Early Years curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of our children and to provide fantastic learning opportunities and experiences. Please see them below.
At Quarry Bank we strongly believe that knowing you child well is the best way to support them and ensure they are learning to the best of their ability.
In line with EYFS framework, we have structured our curriculum within EYFS to create a bespoke offer for each of the seven areas within the EYFS framework. Pupils across EYFS are assessed against the Early Years Framework, Development Matters and Birth to 5. At the beginning of Reception children will be assessed using the Reception Baseline Assessment and end of Reception, children will be assessed to see if they have met the Early Learning Goals (ELG) from the EYFS framework. If they have met ELG standards for all Prime areas and Literacy and Maths they would have made a Good Level of Development (GLD).
See the below documents for more information and look to our hope support section to see how we can work together to support your child in school and at home.
Family Reading Lists and Curriculum Webs
These documents will help you know what your child is learning at school across each term and could help you support your child further at home. We read multiple stories everyday through child-initiated play and adult led story times and drawing club sessions.
The books listed are just some of the key stories we will read that are linked to concepts and topics we teach but we will read many, many more. Have a look, maybe you have some of these stories at home or maybe you could ask your child to retell you these stories as the year goes on.